ku lalui hari ini sebaik-baiknya, moga semalam kan terukir seindah mungkin kerana esok tidak menjanjikan seharum lavender dan sesuci mawar putih...
Catatan sekadar pengisi ruang waktu...
sebelum aku kembali ke asalku......
If you haven't cried, your eyes can't be beautiful.
Setuju tak semestinya menyokong, mengkritik tidak semestinya menentang dan berbeza pendapat adalah teman berfikir yang terbaik.
“Sumber daripada penyakit adalah perut. Perut adalah gedung penyakit dan berpuasa adalah ubatnya.” – (Hadis riwayat Muslim)
A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place for innocence on earth, a link between angels and men.
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.
A torn jacket is soon mended, but hard words bruise the heart of a child.
A conscience is like a baby. It has to go to sleep before you can.
Always kiss your children goodnight - even if they're already asleep.
“A foolish man tells a woman to stop talking, but a wise man tells her that her mouth is extremely beautiful when her lips are closed”
Do not make a Woman cry, because God counts her tears. Woman was taken out of man ; not out of his head to top him ; nor out of his feet to be trampled underfoot ; but out of his side to be equal to him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved.
A good neighbour is a fellow who smiles at you over the back fence, but doesn't climb over it...
A smile is free, and things that are free are there to be shared. So pass on a smile and one day, when your feeling down, that smile will return back to you, be it by a handsome stranger, or a beautiful child. It will always be returned. Smiles make up for the words we can’t say.
“The whisper of a beautiful woman can be heard further than the loudest call of duty”
“I don't like compliments, and I don't see why a man should think he is pleasing a woman enormously when he says to her a whole heap of things that he doesn't mean”
If I am unaware of love, I live drably. If I become intoxicated with love, I live in dreamland. If I recognize love, and shake his hand then comfort, dreams, and sometimes intoxication become mine to drench in and give away as well.
“Nothing gives rest but the sincere search for truth.
Dreams have only one owner at a time. That’s why dreamers are lonely.
Silence is the true friend that never betrays,the best answer to anger. After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. Silence is more eloquent than words. Silence is one of the great arts of conversation.
Don't rely on someone else for your happiness and self worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can't love and respect yourself - no one else will be able to make that happen. Accept who you are - completely; the good and the bad - and make changes as YOU see fit - not because you think someone else wants you to be different..
It's so easy, To think about Love, To Talk about Love, To wish for Love, But it's not always easy, To recognize Love, Even when we hold it…. In our hands.
Never run after a bus or a man. There will always be another one.
Patience is a virtue, Possess it if you can, Seldom found in woman, Never found in man. The secret of patience is doing something else in the meanwhile....